Sigüenza, September 2012;
Mount Orion Sirius EQ/G, telescope Orion ED80, no autoguider, cámara Canon EOS 500D ISO 3200, 9 shots + 3 darks of 180s per shot, stacked with DeepSkyStacker 3.3.2, levels adjusted with Adobe Photoshop CS3
Observatorio de Bonilla de la AAM, December 2013;
Mount Orion Sirius EQ/G, telescope Orion ED/80, no autoguider, camera CANON EOS500D, short 2min shots. DeepSkyStacker, Pixel Insight LE and Photoshop CS3 I acknowledge Melvin Moreno Maldonado, Samuel Oré Montoya and Abel de Burgos Sierra for ther help in this cold December night, when we ended cleaning the ice from our car windows.
Sigüenza, 28th December 2013;
Mount Sirius EQ/G, reflecting telescope C8-N, Lunático autoguider, camera Canon EOS-500D DeepSkyStacker and Pixel Insight LE
Sigüenza, February 2013;
Mount Orion Sirius EQ/G, telescope Orion ED80, Lunático autoguider, camera Canon EOS 500D A single shot, ISO800, 300s exposure, levels adjusted with Adobe Photoshop CS3 1st award on the II Astronomical Journeys of of Alameda del Valle
Observatorio de Bonilla de la AAM, December 2013;
Mount Orion Sirius EQ/G, telescope Orion ED/80, no autoguider, camera CANON EOS500D, short 2min shots. DeepSkyStacker, Pixel Insight LE and Photoshop CS3 I acknowledge Melvin Moreno Maldonado, Samuel Oré Montoya and Abel de Burgos Sierra for ther help in this cold December night, when we ended cleaning the ice from our car windows.
Observatorio de Bonilla de la AAM, December 2013;
Mount Orion Sirius EQ/G, telescope Orion ED/80, no autoguider, camera CANON EOS500D, short 2min shots. DeepSkyStacker, Pixel Insight LE and Photoshop CS3 I acknowledge Melvin Moreno Maldonado, Samuel Oré Montoya and Abel de Burgos Sierra for ther help in this cold December night, when we ended cleaning the ice from our car windows.
Sigüenza, 28th December 2013;
Mount Sirius EQ/G, reflecting telescope C8-N, Lunático autoguider, camera Canon EOS-500D DeepSkyStacker and Pixel Insight LE
Observatorio de Bonilla de la AAM, December 2013;
Mount Orion Sirius EQ/G, telescope Orion ED/80, no autoguider, camera CANON EOS500D, short 2min shots.
Other Orion nebula. I acknowledge Melvin Moreno Maldonado, Samuel Oré Montoya and Abel de Burgos Sierra for ther help in this cold December night, when we ended cleaning the ice from our car windows.
Sigüenza, August 2014;
Mount Orion Sirius EQ/G, telescope Celestron C8-N, Lunático autoguider, camera CANON EOS500D DeepSkyStacker and Pixel Insight LE
Explanada de Valdehierro (Madridejos), Astroacampada ASAAF, 10th November 2013;
Coronado Personal Telescope (PST) from ASAAF, camera EOS 1100D, eyepiece projection (Baader Hyperion) Photoshop CS3
Sigüenza, 16th May 2013;
Coronado Personal Telescope (PST) from ASAAF, camera EOS 500D, eyepiece projection (Baader Hyperion 10mm) Aggressive processing wiht Photoshop CS3, for extracting detail on the solar disc
Guadalajara, 22th June 2013;
Coronado Personal Telescope (PST) from ASAAF, camera EOS 500D, eyepiece projection (Baader Hyperion) Photoshop CS3 This is my first experience on solar astrophotography.
Atienza, 17th April 2014;
Mount Orion Sirius EQ/G, telescope Celestron C8-N, camera QHY5 mono, eyepiece projection (Baader Hyperion 10mm) PIPP and RegiStax This is my first experience on planetary astrophotography.
Atienza, 17 de Abril de 2014;
Mount Orion Sirius EQ/G, telescope Celestron C8-N, camera QHY5 mono, eyepiece projection (Baader Hyperion 10mm) Aggressive processing with RegiStax and PIPP This is my first experience on planetary astrophotography.
Atienza, 17th April 2014;
Mount Orion Sirius EQ/G, telescope Celestron C8-N, camera QHY5 mono, eyepiece projection (Baader Hyperion 10mm) PIPP and RegiStax This is my first experience on planetary astrophotography. From the pictures of 17th April, it is the one that should be more improved.
Sigüenza, 16th May 2014;
Mount Orion Sirius EQ/G, telescopio Sirius ED/80, eyepiece projection (Baader Hyperion 10mm), Webcam TouCam Pro II (ASAAF Webcam) PIPP and RegiStax
Atienza, 17th April 2014;
Mount Orion Sirius EQ/G, telescope Celestron C8-N, camera QHY5 mono, eyepiece projection (Baader Hyperion 10mm) Aggressive processing with RegiStax and PIPP This is my first experience on planetary astrophotography.
Sigüenza, 16th May 2014;
Mount Orion Sirius EQ/G, telescope Sirius ED/80, eyepiece projection (Baader Hyperion 10mm), Webcam TouCam Pro II (ASAAF Webcam) Single shot