Warning about email attachments

Due to the restrictions some email providers set, several extensions (like .com, .ins,...) are blocked, even if the file is compressed (.zip, .rar, .tar.gz, .7z,...). One of the commonly blocked extensions (.ins) is, furthermore, used by LaTeX packages and templates. Google even threats to block any file which "seems invalid". And compressed files inside another compresed file. Some of the provides, like GMail, rejects all the emails without notifying me at all!!

So, if you want to send me any file with "uncommon extensions" (not just the usual .pdf, .doc,...), or an "non-standard pdf, doc, odt...", please send me it either through a gpg or s/mime ciphered email or within a password-protected compressed package. Youcan find my public keys on my contact page as well as on several public key servers. If you opt for the compressed package, please ensure that the file list is encrypted. This is not the default option, and Google rejects even encrypted files if it can read the extensions inside. In Linux you can use 7-zip as

> 7z a -mhe=on -p archive.7z a_directory

Many thanks you for your understanding.

NOTE: I know how to distinguish a LaTeX template from a trojan. Anyhow, if you need to send me an attachment via the procedure above, a good explanation will be required. :)

Last updated: May 2022. Copyright: Rafael Delgado Lopez.
Astrophotography gallery available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License