Ternure Track
I hold a Ternure Track position in the Applied Mathematics Department, ETSIST, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). My teaching duties include Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics.Post-docs
Until August 2020, I was postdoc in the Florence Particle Physics and Cosmology Group at the INFN-Firenze.I am specially skilled on computational techniques. Indeed, I have contributed version 3 of the software package quantumfdtd. Its purpose is solving the Schrödinger relativistic equation (a non-linear differential equation) on the lattice, by means of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
I am focused on Effective Field Theories (EFTs), the strongly interacting regime of Quantum Field Theories and the collider (LHC) phenomenology. I am also contributing the VBSCan COST Action.
First post-doc: lattice QCD
My first post-doc was on the T30f group at the TUM Physik-Department (Munich), where I contributed a lattice-QCD project at TUMQCD. Note that this is a swift from my PhD topic, more focused on a (hypothetical) strongly interacting electroweak sector at the LHC.During this first post-doc, I kept my collaboration with the VBSCan and with two research grupos at the UAM (Prof. M.J.Herrero) and UB (Prof. D.Espriu). This led to a paper [JHEP 1911(2019)065].
I obtained my habilitation as Prof. Contratado Doctor and Prof. de Univ. Privada on July 2018.
Other collaborations: condensed matter
I have collaborated with Prof. Fernando Sols and Dr. Ivan Pedro Zapata (from the Complutense University of Madrid) about a condensed matter project related with the XAS spectrums of certain configurations of fermions. This is a short collaboration based on a short-term post-doc contract. However, I already had collaborated with Prof. Fernando Sols for my TFM (Master's thesis).PhD topic: EFT in particle physics phenomenology (LHC)
On 7th July of 2016, I obtained my PhD with the dissertation Study of the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Sector for the LHC (published in Springer Theses), supervised by Profs. Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada and Antonio Dobado González (Effective Theories in Modern Physics Group at the Complutense University of Madrid). I obtained my habilitation as Prof. Ayudante Doctor on November 2016.My PhD work is focused on the study of the phenomenology associated with a hypothetical electroweak symmetry breaking sector (EWSBS) with strongly interactions. That is, a QCD-like theory (composite Higgs?) for the new physics that may describe the EWSBS at the TeV scale, which is being tested at the LHC. I used an Effective Field Theory (EFT) at the NLO level, and dispersion relations (unitarization procedures). I employed FeynRules-FeynArts-FormCalc for the NLO computations. Furthermore, I also needed different programs and frameworks like Mathematica, Python, FORTRAN compilers,... to deal with the unitarization. You can see here one of the videos that I used for my PhD dissertation.
As part of my PhD work, I have also collaborated with the LHCHSXWG at CERN. As a result of this collaboration, I am a coauthor of the Yellow Report 4.
Short Research Stays during my PhD
During my PhD program, I spent 1 month in SLAC (Stanford U.), hosted by Prof. Stanley Brodsky. 3 months at the Max Planck Institut für Physik in Munich hosted by Prof. Thomas Hahn. And 3 months and a week at the University of Southampton (UK) for a collaboration with Prof. Stefano Moretti about the accelerator phenomenology of composite Higgs models (using a modified version of MadGraph). I was granted computer time on the supercomputer facility TIRANT in Valencia (~300kh over various applications), from the Spanish supercomputing network.Dark Matter
Besides my work with the EWSBS, I collaborated with the Ramón y Cajal researcher Jose Alberto Ruiz Cembranos. This collaboration produced a publication about collider phenomenology of Kaluza-Klein (extra-dimensional) models.In both cases, I used different kinds of computing clusters to perform the calculations. The most powerful one was the Tirant, which is part of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Furthermore, the research group at UCM afforded for the maintenance of a small cluster formed by twenty quad-core computers and hosted in a laboratory of the Theoretical Physics I Department.